Can somebody please help me regarding traveling in new york city?

Q. i'll be spending about 5 days in new york city for my vacation this may, is that enough? what should i include in my itinerary - must see places? does any one know of any cheap but clean hotels? is it recommended to rent a car to go around? i'd get lost if i use the public transportation system (or is it the best way around? the only way around?). how bad is parking and how much? thanks!


NY driving is different than anywhere else..and unless you have mastered the roadways of Cancun or Boston don't drive there!!!!! AND you will pay and arm and leg for insurance and parking AND still won't be able to use your car!

use the bus, subway, taxi or WALK!

There are many clean, reasonable hotels..murray hill area is out of times square and has many small (tiny) rooms that are reasonable.

if this is a once in a life time trip..take one of those day tours the first day..then you can go back and visit anything you missed. (Obviously the Empire State Bldg, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Ctr, ...) but I would also visit Grand Central used to be able to walk the glass walkways up in the windows...I don't know if you still can. Visit the village (eat at burritto loco's w. 4th) and the east village and lower east side(katz deli at 1st and houston), there is an amazing view from the retaurant on the top of the marriot marquis.

Central park has rocks and streams and waterfalls..its pretty cool to be a block away from the avenue and not hear it!

have fun!

Who are the three or four men most responsible for keeping the BCS system in place?
Q. Maybe if we had a three or for most wanted site we could get a playoff system. We need to know who to pressure.

A. The facts are confusing, but necessary: The BCS is managed by the Commissioners of the 11 NCAA Division I-A Conferences, the Director of Athletics at the University of Notre Dame, and representatives of the bowl organizations. The Conferences are Atlantic Coast, Big East, Big Ten, Big 12, Conference USA, Mid-American, Mountain West, Sun Belt, Pacific 10, Southeastern and Western Athletic.

The Conference Commissioners and the Notre Dame Athletics Director make decisions regarding all BCS issues, in consultation with an Athletics Directors Advisory Group and subject to the approval of a Presidential Oversight Committee whose members represent all 119 Division 1-A programs. A Conference Commissioner serves as BCS Coordinator.

For the 2008 and 2009 regular seasons, the following individuals serve in the following positions:

**Conference Commissioners and Notre Dame Athletics Director:

John Swofford (ACC) [COORDINATOR]
Britton Banowsky (C-USA)
Dan Beebe (Big 12)
Karl Benson (WAC)
Rick Chryst (MAC)
Jim Delany (Big Ten)
Tom Hansen (Pac-10)
Mike Slive (SEC)
Craig Thompson (MWC)
Michael Tranghese (Big East)
Wright Waters (Sun Belt)
Kevin White (Notre Dame)

**Members of the Presidential Oversight Committee:

David Frohnmayer - President, University of Oregon
Rev. John Jenkins - President, University of Notre Dame
Robert Khayat - Chancellor, University of Mississippi
Mark A. Nordenberg - President, University of Pittsburgh
John G. Peters - President, Northern Illinois University
Harvey Perlman - Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Graham Spanier - President, The Pennsylvania State University
Charles W. Steger - President, Virginia Tech University

**Athletic Director Advisory Group:

Gene Bleymaier (Boise State - WAC)
Joe Castiglione (Oklahoma - Big 12)
Gene DeFilippo (Boston College - ACC)
Jeremy Foley (Florida - SEC)
Richard Giannini (Southern Miss - C-USA)
Ronald Guenther (Illinois - Big Ten)
Tom Holmoe (Brigham Young - MWC)
Tom Jurich (Louisville - Big East)
Dean Lee (Arkansas State - Sun Belt)
Jim Livengood (Arizona - Pac 10)
Mike O'Brien (Toledo - MAC)

There you have the key players, WITHOUT, of course, a list of BCS Bowl representatives or the Directors at Fox Sports [FOX has a contract to televise the Fiesta, Orange and Sugar Bowls through 2010 and the National Championship Games through 2009.] or at ABC. [ABC has an agreement to continue to televise the 2010 National Championship Game and the Rose Bowl through 2014.]

When talking with me, you are preaching to the choir about the BCS sham; but, respectfully, you need to do a little research before your campaign.

Are you near the Washington, D.C. area? If you are, the 2009 NCAA Convention is being held from January 14-17, 2009, in Washington, D.C. at the Gaylord Hotel.
Please see:

What you propose seems rational, but rationality and the BCS are seldom the same; and a plan for changing anything substantial is unlikely to result in change. I should hasten to add that it is a dauting task just to contact the many appropriate individuals. Perhaps you might contact John Swofford (ACC), the Coordinator of Conference Commissioners and Notre Dame Athletics Director; a select few from the Athletic Director Advisory Group; a select few from the Presidential Oversight Committee; and the President of the NCAA, Myles Brand.

BUT, before doing so, I suggest that you review the following materials: [pp. 287--292] and .

Good luck (and please don't hold your breath waiting for responses or changes)!

Is it posible to change your eyecolor w/o using contacts?
Q. I've heard that there is a type of surgery that can change your eyecolor.
Is it really possible?

A. HI, i had my eye color changed in panama, about a month ago. Unfortunately me and the other 2 people who had the surgery done at the same day are not happy with it. It`s not as simple as they explain, eventhough the surgery is quickly done , but recovery isnt that easy, u get headches, and your eyes feel very uncomfortable, like u have sand inside of them for days, and besides that, ur eyes burn everytime they put the eye drops(3 different kinds), u have to, every hour for like a week, and there is one u have to apply 3 times a day for life time, that releases the pressure on ur eyes. It feels like putting alcohol in a cut for the first week, because the incision there is on ur eye. But the biggest reason why we are not happy is because all 3 of us end up with an eye color there is not similar to any color they have on the after pics on the website. When we asked what shade of blue or green it would be, we were told the final color shade would depend on the natural color of our eyes, wich isnt true because me and the other guy who had the surgery done to have blue eyes had very different colors, my eye eyes are naturally hazel and his very dark brown, we both end up with exact same blue, wich is so bright and looks like a halloween light blue aqua contact lenses. They look like blue eyes of a Japanese carton character So now we have the brightest blue eyes but they dont look natural, they look like something that no one ever seen before, kind like X-MEN eyes, at night in night clubs my eyes look like storm`s eyes from x-men. So now we are experiencing harassment when we go out, people stop us all the time and ask if they r ours? and when people get very close they dont c a contact, but yet the dont understand how it is possible, because most of the people never heard about this surgery they get very confuse! And the people who doesnt stop u, just presume they are contacts and dont really understand why u would be wearing something so unatural with so many quality contacts out there. ME and the two people are trying to get the doctor to reverse the surgery or get a shade that looks like the ones in the pics, but so far no sucess, he wants to us to pay another $2500 for operating room, and thats plus airline ticket $600 and hotel about $600 for the week u have to recover there! after we already expent $8thousand with the surgery plus another $ 2000 in traveling expenses. And besides all of us got different answers when trying to contact DR.KHAN, and all of them by email, he is never available over the phone. I do not recommend the surgery and i will be happy to answer any questions through my email I was very stubborn on getting this surgery against my ophthalmologist opinion here in boston, after she discussed witha group of doctors, just because i always wanted to have blue eyes since i was a kid, bu now the "dream coming through" became a "living nightmare" None of us feel comfortable going out anymore! :(

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