when a pilot calls in a tail number or id marking to the control tower, when they say perhaps foxtrot...?

Q. delta hotel niner one zero zero four, what language or alphabet is used? please help me out.

A. Before during the WW1 and WW2 the americans came up with code standing for each letter and there morse code.
here are the alphabets names
A: Alpha
B: Bravo
C: Charlie
D: Delta
E: Echo
F: Foxtrot
G: Golf
H: Hotel
I: India
J: Juliet
K: Kilo
L: Lima
M: Mike
N: November
O: Oscar
P: Papa
Q: Quebeck
R: Romeo
S: Sierra
T: Tango
U: Uniform
V: Victor
W: Whiskey
X: X-ray
Y: Yankee
Z: Zulu
If I were to reprt tank NW to me, and on the map they location given as the military maps are in letter then number so I would have to say "Unknown tank at Delta, juliet 23."

then the units are converted from the map to the actual map then u would able to be call unfantry, air unit, and tank assult.

Now days its used for About every cool things you can find.
cops use it for number plate. abc 24f
"alpha, brovo, chalie, 2,4, foxtrot

I want to go to sierra nevada skiing for two or three nights?
Q. when is the best time to go ?
how much will it cost approx?
where is the best hotel? ( i wanna stay as close to the slopes as possibe?
what is it like?
how do i book?
anything else i should know ??

Thankyou Muchly ?

A. In season, there's snow until late April

but the place get's a lot more quite... if you're use to the après ski then you'll want to visit in peak season

price... I don't know where you going/comming from ect.
It is only about 1 hour from Granada... if not less by car

I think it's called Hotel Telecabina is the one which the ski-lift goes into the Hotel ?
Search on their website and other places

It is VERY hot, and High. We ever I've been (at the end of season) we've been skiing in T-Shirts
Get there early in the morning though becaise by 14h00 most of the snow has turned to "slush"
But it will freze over again in the night
There is a square in the middle with many Moros selling things... don't buy a rip-off

Book online

Eat the Crêpes under the main tent in the Night
That French man can make them very good, everyone else's go bad because of the hight

but if he tries to give you Nutella on them, tell him off !! You want Nocilla when in Spain !! =P

Be sure you know at least Basic Castellano when you go !

who owns the Grand Sierra Hotel and resort in Reno, Nevada?
Q. The hotel recently change ownership but I cannot find out to whom.

A. - The Grand Sierra Resort and Casino, Northern Nevadaâs largest gaming property, is about to have new ownership.

""The Meruelo Group"", an investment company based in Downey, Calif., announced Wednesday that it was planning to buy the Grand Sierra next month.

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