cheap lodging in yosemite nationl forest?

Q. I am trying to find cheap lodging in yosemite national forest, or the surrounding area. All the campsites are booked already. I don't want to spend more than 100.00. Any ideas?

A. Oakhurst is the closest city to the park and Yosemite Valley with cheap hotels/motels. It's about an hour from the valley. There are also campsites outside the park in that area. You should be able to do a search and find one. Although a little out of your price range, Yosemite View Lodge and Cedar Lodge are about as close as you'll get outside the park and normally have vacancies longer than inside the park.

I assume when you say all camping is full you've looked at Camp Curry as well which has tent cabins.

I agree that Fresno/Modesto are WAY to far away to stay at unless you're looking for one night only and don't mind a long drive in the morning and evening.

Has anyone ever stayed in a Italian hostel? What was your experience, good or bad?
Q. My sister and I are considering a trip to Trapani, Italy next summer, and were checking out cheap lodging. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

A. I stayed in several hostels over the course of 4 months throughout Europe. The best suggestion I got was to plan ahead and go with a reputable place. If you wait til last minute, you can get stuck with a crappy not too safe hostel.

So at least bring ideas with you even if you don't book til you get there. You can also find some 3 or 4 star hotels that are just about as cheap as the hostels in Italy. Then you have your own room and sometimes breakfast is provided. Make sure you take addresses and phone numbers in case the place is hard to find.

Al Porto, Villa Lisa, those were some friends of mine had either stayed at or looked into. Good luck!

How would I go about getting sponsorships for storm chasing?
Q. I am a part of He is a weather enthusiast and veteran storm chaser (14+ years). We are currently looking for sponsor's or private donors to help us with supplies for storm relief efforts and of course the typical chasing equipment such as gas, cheap lodging, etc.

I am also looking for maybe a company (car dealership) that may be interested in donating 2 Ford Explorers to help reduce the cost of our regular vehicles that we use to get to and from work and school.

Thank you in advance with any information that you can give.

A. I think there is one important question before you start to look for sponsors. If any part of the money or equipment donated is used in a future chase and you get into an accident. What protection do you have that would protect the sponsor from being included in a lawsuit.

I think you should talk to a lawyer first to go over your plans and also to assist in how the contract should be written out not only to protect the sponsor. but also to protect yourselves.

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