where can i hire helicopter here in the philippines?

Q. i need an answer before march 10,2008.
the trip will be from Manila Hotel to Lipa city.
i need to know how much it will be for one way trip.thanks

A. With all the recent small plane crashes in the Philippines, do you really want to hire a helicopter?

how do i get to manila pavillion hotel providing that i ride a LRT from vito cruz station?
Q. after i go down UN ave station..where will i proceed to go to MANILA PAVILLION HOTEL...directions please thanks
so if i go down un ave station i go which way? the street with mcdo ? or the one to roxas boulevard? clear directions please and if possible landmarks to make it easier thanks

A. After going down the station, walk to your right ( UN. Ave.) going to Manila Pavillion... I guess its around 100-200meters. Its not so far, the hotel will be on your right side...

The one to Roxas boulevard...

what are the hotels, pension houses, hostel and transient accomodations near manila hotel?
Q. i will attend a seminar this coming oct. 18-21 at the manila hotel. im kinda short in my budget. pls. help. tnx

A. Casa Bocobo Hotel Manila is cheap (about $39 US p.n.) and nearby, see this link for map, reviews etc http://www.hotels.via.us.com/SearchedHotel.aspx?fileName=Casa_Bocobo_Hotel_Manila&tabId=Overview&checkin=2010-10-18&checkout=2010-10-21&languageCode=EN&adults=1&rooms=1&returnPath=%2FSearchResults.aspx%3FfileName%3DManila%26fileType%3D1%26checkin%3D2010-10-18%26checkout%3D2010-10-21%26languageCode%3DEN%26adults%3D1%26rooms%3D1%26pageSize%3D15%26pageIndex%3D0%26totalPages%3D4%26sort%3DMinRate-asc%26showSoldOut%3Dtrue%26locationId%3D-1248%26highRate%3D90%26lowRate%3D10%26view%3Dhc_sr_summary%26scroll%3D385%26mapstate%3Dcontracted its cheap, has good reviews (but some think the rooms are small)

Others cheaper, or more expensive and slightly nearer Hotel Manila can be found here (you can use the hotel flags on the map to check locality to Hotel Manila) http://www.hotels.via.us.com/SearchResults.aspx?fileName=Manila&Adults=1&Rooms=1&checkin=2010-10-18&checkout=2010-10-21&languageCode=EN

Both the above links should be set for your dates, but you'd best check and change if necessary.

Prices should be displayed in your local currency - you can change as necessary.

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