What is the cheapest way I can travel to London for the olympics?

Q. I currently live in California and am currently a student. What will be the cheapest way I can go to London? Should I order the hotel and other services separately or should I look into travel packages?

A. Must Be flight


Traveling to London from the United States?
Q. I have been planning on traveling to the UK and staying in London for a week, but i'm not sure exactly about the best areas to stay, and the best ways to travel in London. What kind of travel is usually the best? Train, taxi, etc? If there is any information that anyone can give me on different places to stay, costs, and ways to travel it would be greatly appreciated. Any information would be so helpful. Thank you.

A. The most common and easiest transport in London in the underground trains. The stations can be quite complicated looking but many places in London sell the maps and staff are always helpful. But be warned in busy times the trains are completely packed. See:

There's plenty of taxis in London but they are expensive, but always an easy option. Traffic in London is usually quite busy mind.

Another great way to travel in London is buses and is always my favorite. They're reasonably cheap and every bus stop has information on what buses go where. Also most places have regular buses, every 10 minutes or so.

Also for recommended hotels in London visit:

Hope this helps and enjoy your trip :)

Brilliant site to visit is: http://www.visitlondon.com/travel/

How much money need I take to London for a one-week long trip?
Q. I am planning on visiting London this year in September for one, maybe two, weeks and I want to do all the touristy stuff and see London's main interest points. Also, I would very much like to go see some good theatre plays, museums, have fun at night in a decent club etc.
What is an approximate sum of money I would need to take with me?

A. Hey - depends just how good a time you want to have!

I don't know how much you were thinking but to do London properly you are going to need £1000+ in easy money to see you through a week.

Typical museums that you will be going to such as The Tower of London/London Dungeons cost around £20 each. A West End show will cost around £40-£80. If you are thinking budget there is of course lots of cheaper options - free museums include the Imperial War Museum, Victoria and Albert, National Gallery, Science Museum - all of which are great museums.

Travel isn't bad - for just £9/10 a day you can get an all day travelcard which gives you unlimited access to tube and buses - this will get you anywhere you need to go in London.

And if you even start going shopping you are going to be spending £100-£300 in a couple of hours. Go to Harrods for the experience anyway - even if you do not buy anything.

Food will cost you at least £10 a meal - if you are into big restuarants then budget £50/60. Obviously your accomodation/hotel budget is a separate thing but it will be around £800/1000 for a week. Clubbing depends on how much you want to drink - but budget around £40/50 a night.

Don't be put off - London is a great city and I love being there - you will not regret your visit.

Good luck!

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