What is the cheap Hotel in Angono Rizal Philippines?

Q. Is there any cheap hotel in Angono Rizal? and if there is. How much is the cost and is there any website that I can videw the Room or facilities and the Rate of that Hotel. Please help me . Need to visit my friend dont about Angono Rizal Philippines.

I need Hotel in Angono Rizal to stay. Please any info. will be much appriciated.

A. Click on "Pension houses in Angono Rizal" There will be a list of places showing rates, contact #s, location & sometimes photos. Stay away from any place that rents by 3 hrs or 1/2 day.

What are the average rates of cheap hotels in atlantic city?
Q. Whats the lowest price for a night at cheap hotels in atlantic city, if only an estimate. Gotta go there soon. Thanks.

A. Gee Geoff, Atlantic City is 3000 miles from Las Vegas. Why are you posting this question in the Las Vegas section.

What is the cheapest hotel in burbank?
Q. I'm looking for a very very cheap hotel in burbank, I don't care about the quality. Where could I find a hotel/motel with a very low rate?

Burbank California
Uhm Vincent, it's not for a booty call. It's for my friend who's moving down here but doesn't have an apartment yet. Get your mind out of the gutter.

A. Lauren. Those dirt cheap places are almost all for booty calls (or someone died in them and they can't get the smell out). There are a few Motel 8's around town that are often cheaper than Motel 6's.
But it sounds like your friend wants a room for a while. What you might do then is ask each location if they have a weekly / monthly rate, which are much lower than any no-tell motel. z

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