Where to find small gamestores in Dubai?

Q. I'm sick of all the good games like GTA GOW darksiders heavy rain getting banned here in Dubai, so I have heard those games are available around in the lesser non retail stores, so I am wondering if anyone can tell me where to find some of these small stores?

A. there are few shop in bur dubai,behind main bus stop,near police station around astoria hotel try there

What kind of apartment can I get for under $900 in the GTA?
Q. My husband and I are relocating to Canada, but we're having a tough time settling on where to go. I was thinking of somewhere in the Greater Toronto area, but I'm not sure whether we can afford it. Is it at all reasonable to find a 2 bedroom aparment that accepts cats, which is in a safe area, near to public transport and isn't falling apart? For under $900 without utilities, or $1K with. I've seen some online in Etobicoke and Scarborough, but it's quite hard to decide from pictures alone.

A. In a really nice area you can expect to pay that for a nice one-bedroom.

You can find a decent 2-bedroom for that price, but it might be a bit farther away from downtown.
Stay away from Parkdale, Jane/Finch. Etobicoke is rather far from downtown if you don't have a car, and Scarborough isn't that great.

I'd suggest spending a few nights in a cheap hotel once you get here, and then walking around areas you're interested in in order to get an actual picture of the neighborhood, and the building itself. I moved to Toronto a few months ago, and almost got myself into a horrible mess with a terrible rental company which I tried to do business with online. When it comes to an apartment, seeing it in person is much better.

As for pets, simply do not tell the owner that you have any! Even if they say pets are not allowed, once you're in and have them they can not throw you out or ask you to get rid of them (it's the law!). The only exception is if anyone in the building has allergies or if they're disturbingly noisy animals (which cats aren't, usually).

Good luck!

Where can I apply for a summer job?
Q. I'm only 15 and I'm looking for somewhere I could apply for a summer job this year. I also live in ontario, in the gta.

A. Companies that take on extra help in the summer, companies that are very busy and have part time personnel.

Local pools and marinas, camps, vacation destinations, resorts, etc. Banks and hotels will sometimes take on teens in the summer, hoping you will become interested in the business. They both use part time help and you may get a permanent part time job out of the deal. Get out the yellow pages, and call around, ask for "human resources" or "personnel dept" and if they have any summer work for a teen.

If they won't take you on because you are too young, you'll need to get creative. Pet walking if you like dogs, and you are outgoing enough to introduce yourself around big apartment buildings. This too could turn into a permanent part time job. Of course, be careful, have someone with you while you ask around and don't go into a stranger's house alone.

If you don't like dogs, but like outdoors, check with gardeners, lumber yards, or newspaper delivery, for a few. Get creative and good luck.

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