What would you like in a business hotel? Maximum privacy or a chance to meet people?

Q. I am designing a hotel for businessmen in a heavy industrial area. I personally think that communication and meeting new people is what makes travel interesting, but I understand that some people might find even the opportunity to communicate as intrusive. So what would you like?

A. i try to write the answers your problem in my blog http://www.mystructuredsettlement.co.cc you can see any problem in my blog.

What program can I use to design a hotel?
Q. I am looking to design a hotel and present it in my Hotel class, I need to really outdo everyone else in this project. What program can I use? I have a Mac, though.... any suggestions? I would like it to have a floor plan and a model/picture of it outside.... thanks so much!

A. In your scenario i would suggest
Google sketch

very simple for beginners others are heavy

What is the average electricity bill of a 4 or 5 star hotel per month?
Q. I need this for a school personal project where I am designing a hotel and need to know this.

So pls need answer

A. It depends on how many rooms the hotel has - one with 50 rooms would be less than one with 200 rooms. If this is for a school project, figure out how much 1 room costs per month (use a sample 1 apartment unit or small house - how about your own electric bill?) and multiply that by the number of rooms your hotel has, and calculate in the cost of the hotel's own electricity use, i.e. lighting, elevators, washing machines, etc.

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