Apparently on Brighton beach there is an area where you can use your Laptop for free?

Q. What I would like to know, is there a directory of locations over the UK that provide a similar service - where the network is left open for public access?
I'm aware that some hotels offer this service, but the idea of laying on a beach this summer, and working at the same time really appeals to me.

Thank you.

A. Yes there are wireless hotspots on the beach! See the website for locations here:
Also other wireless hotspots in the ciry here

I think you'll find most hotels, cafes, pubs now have wireless as well.

What hotel will 1D stay in when they are at Brighton?
Q. Just a few things;
⢠1D = One Direction
⢠Wasn't lucky enough to get tickets for the tour...
So yeah, which hotel do you reckon they will stay in? And also, if me and my friend get there early (around 11am) and wait at stage door do you think we might catch them going in, or for their soundcheck etc? Thanks!

A. No where will leak their hotel.
If they are on tour they very likely may not stay in hotel but get right on the bus and go some where else.

I'm looking for a sexy hotel with a jacuzzi/hot tub in the room somewhere in the South West?
Q. It's my boyfriend and I's first anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks and we're looking for a really sexy hotel to stay at and REALLY want a hot tub or jacuzzi in the room. We were thinking of somewhere like the Pelirocco in Brighton but a bit closer to home. We live in Devon so somewhere in the South West would be best. Any suggestions?

A. Hello
HotelCombined is the best hotel finder. Can you search by stars, price, most popular.Hotel combines compare prices between the most reliable travel agencies such as Travelocity,,, Priceline and the websites of popular hotel chains Including the Intercontinental Hotel Group and many Others

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