How to say in Turkish, please help to translate into English..?

Q. Hi. Could anybody kindly translate the following into Turkish for me? The scenario is set at a hotel in Turkey and I am talking to one of the staff members...

1. Which day are you off work?
2. If you are not busy on that day, would you like to go into town with me?
3. Will you be here tomorrow?

Thanks a million in advance!!

A. 1. Hangi gün iÅe gitmiyorsunuz? or

Hangi gün iÅten serbestsiniz?

2. EÄer/Åayet o gün meÅgul deÄilseniz, benimle Åehre gitmek ister misiniz?

3. Yarın burada olacak mısınız?

Wheres the best hotel in turkey to go on holiday to?
Q. Wheres the best hotel in turkey to go on holiday to?
Im going to turkey on holiday but i dont know what part to go to
we want to have a hotel on the beach that is a all inclusive
has slides
has good food
five star

A. Turquoise Resort Hotel .. its in Side in the Antalya Region,
Fantastic Hotel, i personally wouldnt go anywhere else!!

Hi i live in Lebanon how many days can i stay in turkey?
Q. I heard that Lebanese ppl can go to turkey with out a visa , just a passport
me and my girlfriend booked a hotel in turkey for a one week so i was wondering
can we stay in turkey for one week?

A. You are right, passport holders of Lebanon are exempt from the visa requirement for tourist travel to Turkey for up to three months. ..

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