What is the best website to find hotel phone numbers in America?

Q. I am looking for a website that lists direct hotel contact information, like phone number, website, and address. I am sick of booking through travel agents they charge too many fees!

A. You know I'm sure there a loads of people out there having the same issues with finding adequate hotel information. Most hotel directories are not really helpful in giving out hotel information. While browsing through the net I came across this site http://www.hotelsitedirectory.com
and they actually only provide the necessary hotel information. If you are looking for America specifically then you might also go here http://www.hotelsitedirectory.com/united-states-2 or here http://www.hotelsitedirectory.com/directory/north-america . This Hotel Directory is new but I'm sure they will pick up very fast.

Is there a personnel manager named Donnell Madison at Marriott Hotel & Resort Canada?
Q. A certain Mr. Donnell Madison who claims to be the personnel manager of Marriot Hotel & Resort in Canada is offering us (there are two of us here) a job at the said hotel. He promised us that we can get there by applying for a tourist visa. He said that once we get there he would help us to change our visa status into work status. For your reference here are some pieces of information about him.:

Donnell Madison
Personnel Manager
For: Marriott Hotel & Resort Canada
Direct Line1301979994


A. This is a common scam circulating by email under a variety of different companies over the past few years. The purpose of these emails is to obtain personal information on people which can then be used for other illegal activities and/or to get money from people who think it will get them a job. They have added something new to this, the idea of coming in on a tourist visa and then changing it to a work visa but otherwise it is just the same as previous emails of this type. Oh, the area code for the phone number listed is for the US, not Canada and Marriott Canada does not hire through the US.

No reputable company will offer you employment without you having applied to them. They will not send out unsolicited emails offering you a job.

If you receive an email that seem legitimate do not click on any links in the email. Use the search function of your browser to look for a website for the hotel and check into it that way. If no hotel comes up with the information in the email that is a good sign that this is a fraud.

Also, if a website does come up, look carefully at it. I have seen numerous phony websites for hotels related to these types of scams. Generally clues to a phony website include the fact that the website is hosted on a free host, no hotel or business will use a free website hosting company. Check the links on the website, generally external links will not work and occasionally internal links will also not work (except for sending employment applications of course). Room pictures often show different styles of rooms and even different, if they include them, outside scenery pictures.

Always check into a hotel through a legitimate online booking company or website such as tripadvisor. If you do not find the hotel listed here it is a good sign that it may not exist.

Never apply for a job posted on a free job website, well I know that many of the jobs offered are legitimate this is also a place where fraudulent jobs are posted. There was one for another hotel posted on several of them offering jobs and salary that were too good to be true. One thing that gave it away, the hotel kept moving from one city to another.

If you find a website for the hotel and it is legitimate check there for job postings and who to apply to. Chances are you will not find any names from your email listed among their employees. Only submit an application through here and never send cash and never send personal information via email.

In reference to this particular email, in order to have a work visa for Canada, you must have it prior to entering the country. You cannot change a tourist visa to a work visa while in Canada and no legitimate company would suggest doing this. If you came to Canada on a tourist visa and said you were coming to work you would be denied entry and sent home. If you did get in the country you would find no job waiting for you and all you would have is a trip to Canada at your expense.

I want to open a hotel... Can someone point me to a page regarding California hotel laws and requirements?
Q. I have a property that I would like to open as a hotel... Can someone direct me to a page that lists requirements to open and operate a hotel in California? If it matters, it is in Palm Springs, California.

Thank you!!

A. Visit the City of Palm Springs - Department of Building and Safety for requirements to open a hotel. If the property was previously a hotel site it likely will be easier to open. There are tax exemptions available to newer hotels. See the ordnance at the link below.

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