How to find most cheapest hotel rooms?

Q. Can somebody help me to book most economical hotel room? I am planing to travel Edmonton, canada. Please help me to find cheap hotel room. I know some site but I am looking for the best site, where I can get cheap rooms all the time.

A. Hotel prices vary all the time according to the laws of supply and demand. There are methods to get the cheapest hotel rooms. You can summarize them as follows:

1. Try legitimate hotel booking sites such as GTA and Hotelopia. See what they have on offer, but beware of hidden extras. These might include breakfast (!), local taxes and hidden booking fees. hotel . com is notorious for this - I always avoid it.

2. Don't book anything until you check out the hotel's own websites. Some offer the cheapest rates you can get, some don't.

3. Finally telephone the hotel in question (get the number from their website) and ask for their "cheapest commercial rate". If it's competitive, ask whether it includes breakfast and all local taxes.

4. When you arrive, ask for an upgrade, You never know⦠If not, try for another extra such as free parking or free wi-fi. If you don't ask, you don't get.

5. Check out my best hotel booking blogspot!

Where can I find an extremely cheap hotel room in NYC?
Q. Hi there, I'm looking to visit NYC in the summer and want to find a really cheap room to stay in. I'm travelling with my girlfriend and we want a room to our own. We're only going to be there for 4 days. I've searched almost everywhere online and only find extremely cheap 8-10 bed-share at New York hostels. Does anyone know where find the cheapest 2person share whether its at a hostel, hotel or motel? Thanks, your answers are much appreciated.

A. Me and my boyfriend just got back from nyc and we stayed at the Vanderbilt YMCA. They have private rooms there. Each room is tiny and has a bunk bed, but we both slept on the bottom perfectly fine. We were only there to crash so it didn't matter how big it was or what the view was like. Bathrooms are shared but I never ran into anyone and they were clean. Security makes you show them your key everytime you go up to your room so you know they have it safe. Its located right on east 47th street and we paid like 105 a night(not bad in nyc). It took us like 15 mins to walk to times square. Def reccommend!

Does anyone know any cheap room for rent in Bangkok?
Q. My husband and I are looking for a cheap room to rent next month. We are currently staying in a 3,500baht room and the electric bill is so expensive. 18 baht per kilowatt.

A. Go to;
the buttons on the left side lets you choose by price range

or look around this site;

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