Are there any hotels Chicago that allow under-21 guests?

Q. I'm a 20 year old college student visiting Chicago this Saturday. I had been planning on getting a hotel room until it occurred to me that some hotels require you to be 21 to check in. Are there any hotels in Chicago that only require me to be 18 to check in?

A. Here's the thing...
Pretty much every hotel downtown has a minibar in the room, so they can't rent the room to somebody under 21 (because of the beer and stuff). So what you need to do is call around to the big name hotels like Holiday Inn or the Hapton Inn and check on their policy before you book the room. Some hotels may allow a parent to sign for the room, some may allow you to rent the room if they remove the minibar...just don't go book the room online and try to sneak in because they'll ask you for an ID and when they see that you're not 21 you could be without a room, and you don't want to do that because you'll end up paying a walk in rate, which is always high.
Look at the hotels near the airports, they're always about $50-$100 cheaper per night, you can take the elevated trains to downtown for $2 each way, and you're more likely to find a hotel that will let you rent a room. You can always come back to answers and ask for directions from the el's stop to the schools you're looking at.

What hotels in Chicago will hire a college student?
Q. I am a junior in college with no experience in hotel jobs and there are alot of downtown hotels. These hotels dont seem like regular hotels but very good ones. Would I have a chance or should I even not apply? And are there hotels in chicago that will hire me?

A. i heard that hampton inn you might be able to be younger to work there because you can be 18 and rent a room there.

What is a nice, cute, cheap hotel in Chicago (any neighborhood)?
Q. I'm looking for a hotel in Chicago to spend a night at with my boyfriend for our 1 year anniversary. King bed, 1 night, no breakfast or other amenities needed. I love the Blackstone Hotel but its way to expensive for me right now. I'm looking for something from $50-$100.

A. Well if you want to spend between $50-$100 especially for your anniversary i suggest you visit the Ambiance suits, its about 15 minutes from o'hare but if your coming from the city then it is worth the drive. Its got the most exotic rooms well worth the money and the time. Heres the link below:

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