How old do you have to be to rent a hotel room?

Q. I'll be 18 in 4 months and I want to know how old you have to be to stay in a hotel room. My boyfriend is in college and I can't stay in his dorms.

A. It depends where you go. If you're anywhere near South Carolina, you must be at least 21 to stay at most all of them. The only hotel I knew of that you could be 18 and older was the Days Inn.

All you have to do is go to, or another discounted hotel site and look up hotels around his dorm. Call their number and ask. All places are different.

I need 2 day tickets to cedar point and a hotel room?
Q. I need to know the price of 2 day amusement park tickets and two hotel rooms for a group.
I need a price for four 2-day amusement park tickets.
And I need a price for eight 2-day amusement park tickets.

A. is the best place to get that information
or call their reservations line (419)-627-2106

the 2-day ride and slide is $73.99. that is 2 days to the park and Soak City, you can go to the park and Soak City in the same day for 2 days. this ticket can not be spread out over 4 days.

4 2-day tickets is $295.96

if you stay at one of Cedar Point's hotels then you get a discount on the tickets. last year it was $252.00 for 4 2-day tickets but they have not released the resort guest discount for this year yet. and staying at one of the hotels gets you in the park 1 hour early on certain rides and if you are staying at any of the hotels on point then free parking for your stay as well.

depending on when you go, you can also get deals on hotel rooms

How do a person translate these questions to a hotel in spanish?
Q. 1) Do you provide free Internet service inside your own personal hotel room? If not, how much?
2) Do you get charged extra for bringing a woman guest to your room for 1 hr?
3) Do you have a free shuttle bus that picks you up at the airport? If not what public transportation can I take?
4) Do you have a free safe in our own room ? Is it a key or electronic?
5) Do you have phones in the room? and are local calls free?
6) How can I get discounts for your particular hotel rooms?
7) What are some Web sites I can go purchase a hotel room? example and what else?
8)) Do you have 24 hour security (live person) or just surveillance cameras or both?
9) Do you have air conditioning?
10) Do you have private bathrooms inside your own room?
11) How much generally is a standard room in the month of March or APril?
12) Do you give discounts for a certain number of days you stay at your hotel?

A. 1) ¿Proveen ustedes servicio de internet dentro de la habitación? Si es así, entonces, ¿cuál es el costo?
2) ¿Debo pagar una tarifa adicional si invito a una señorita a mi habitación para acompañarme por una hora?
3) ¿Proveen ustedes el servicio de transporte desde el aeropuerto al hotel? Si no ofrecen este servicio, ¿me recomienda el servicio de transporte público más conveniente?
4) ¿Incluye mi dormitorio una caja fuerte para guardar mis pertenencias de valor? ¿Cómo funciona, con llave o con código numérico?
5) ¿Tendrá mi dormitorio un teléfono disponible? ¿Son las llamadas locales libre de costo?
6) ¿Cómo puedo obtener descuentos de reservación de habitaciones en su hotel?
7) ¿Cuáles son las paginas de internet que puedo visitar para conocer su hotel... reservar una habitación? Por ejemplo, conozco, ¿cuál otra?
8) ¿Proveen ustedes servicio de seguridad de 24 horas al día (guardia de seguridad presente), o solamente cámaras de seguridad, o ambas?
9) ¿Poseen sus habitaciones acondicionadores de aire?
10) ¿Poseen sus habitaciones un baño privado dentro de la habitación del huésped?
11) ¿Cuánto es generalmente el costo estándar de reservación por los meses de marzo o abril?
12) ¿Ofrecen ustedes descuento de tarifa por cierta cantidad de días de estadía en particular en su hotel?

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