How to get best hotel rates in Malaysia, walk in or book in advance online.?

Q. I will be visiting Malaysia in April, im hoping to travel around the mainland and visit some of the East and west coast Islands. Just come back from tunisia where i paid dearly for not booking my hotels online. Just wanted to know what the best system is in Malaysia for getting the cheapest rates. Should i book in advance, or just walk in and negotiate, if i walk in is the marked price considerably higher than online price, which makes negotiating unworthwhile.
When you say travel agents, do u mean UK ones or ones in Malaysia, and if Malyasia can i book when i arrive.

A. honestly,book through travel agent r cheaper than u walk-in @ book online,but sumtimes when there's any offer by the hotel,book online r better..i can assure u'll get better rate from agent

Are there internet sites that offer lower hotel rates than the hotels do?
Q. I see some travel and hotel sites offering discounts and claiming lower rates than the hotels themselves offer. Is this true? For instance, Excalibur is offering $51 a night, but are there any other sites (such as hotelclub) that offer discounts on this, or cheaper rates than this?

A. sometimes has better deals. I tried Priceline once, and even though it said the hotel was ON the strip, it was about a block behind it. We ended up at a nice hotel, but if this is your first time to vegas stay at one of the main casino/hotels ON the strip.

How do you get cheap rates at hotels in Vegas?
Q. I was looking at staying at the Palms in Vegas in June for a celebration. I was wondering if their was a way I could get a cheaper rate on the room. I know that if I get it early enough it will be at it's regular rate. I was wondering if it would go down any further depending on the number of rooms I got.

A. find a hooker

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