Can someone help me find hotel in anime boston?

Q. I don't think there's anymore hotels in Sheraton boston hotel. I need too find a hotel right next too it and I can pay in february since its pretty hard saving when your in college. Can anyone please only list the nearest hotels too convention. I don't have a car and im kind of sucky at finding stuff when it comes too directions. Please help and know I can pay like late in february. An maybe find a good deal. Thank you!

A. Have you looked at the web site's listings?
It should have all you need except the money...

"Please help and know I can pay like late in february.". We try, but we don't make loans or extend credit, so can't help with your payment situation.

How much am i going to make on a saturday night valet parking in Boston?
Q. @ the Boston Harbor Hotel.. 4, soon to be 5 star hotel.. im starting soon, im 18 years old, and im excited..anyone have any ideas especially if theyre experienced?

A. Depending on the policy and number of valets at the hotel, you maybe able to choose which cars you will be taking.

Here are the kind of cars you really want to take.

1. Supercars (Ferraris, Lambo, Bentley). People who drive them wants to show off. Especially when there is a passenger. 1 of these will be worth 4-6 regular cars any day. Don't forget to compliment on their car.

2. Luxury Sedans with preferably 65+ or the under 25. They got money and usually are more generous now that they don't have to earn any as opposed to 40's executive type. For the under 25s, they borrowed the car and not sure how much to tip and worried about the car. If they don't cough up the dough, subtle showing of emotion that you have been kind of insulted by not getting tips will open their wallet. Make them think $20 tip is normal thing.

3. Any so called "Uncle and niece" looking couple, start the conversation by politely asking their relationships. Try to show that you sort of recognize him as well. He'll open his wallet to close your mouth. It works well for any other indoor sunglasses wearing couples as well.

These things will be hard to pick up at first but trust me you will be able to tell a lot from just looking at them coming in through the curve soon. Don't think of these tactics as cunning or shrewed. It's just good business.

Good luck kid!!!

Where is a good bed and Breakfast in Boston?
Q. I'm going on my honey moon in Boston MA and would like to know if any one knew of a good affordable , may be a old ma & pap's that's affordable in Boston, hotels work to


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  1. Are you worried about the availability of the hotels? Well, there is absolutely nothing to be worried because there is no dearth of hotels that you can find today.

    st george lodging


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