We have a trip to Chicago from Toronto for 2 days. Any advice for attractions and economic hotel?

Q. We have a trip to Chicago from Toronto for 2 days. Any advice for attractions and economic hotel?

A. Well, I usually make the trip the opposite directions (been to Toronto about four times in the past year and ALWAYS visit The Rex... love that place). So it's good to return the favor.

If this is your first trip to Chicago, I suppose you should see the usual tourist sights first... Millenium Park, Navy Pier, State Street, Michigan Ave., etc. You might also want to throw in the Lincoln Park Zoo (its a free zoo), the Art Institute (great collection and a new modern wing), the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Musem Campus (Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium).

But I highly recommend getting away from the tourist area and seeing "regular" Chicago. Places like the Wrigleyville area (around Wrigley field, although that can be kinda touristy too), Andersonville (a neigborhood with a Swedish heritage; it sort of reminds me of the Beaches area in TO), Wicker Park (the hipster area, kind of like west on Queen Street), etc. And since it's getting warmer out, it's street fair season, so you definitely should check one of those out. They're all over the city and usually feature live music, food and vendors. Most times they charge you about five bucks to get in, but it's mostly a fun time.

I recommend picking up a copy of Time Out Chicago magazine to see what's going on the week you're here. Or check out the Chicagoist website (It's run by the same people who run the Torontoist website). They also list things to do that are off the radar.

As for hotels, not sure of what you mean by "economic" (less than $200? less than $100? Cheaper than that?). Let us know what your price range is (in US dollars).

Also if you haven't booked your flight yet, check out Porter. It's the one I use all the time now. Non-stop from Chicago to Toronto for about $200 plus tax. Great.

I'm going to Ireland for a week with no hotel booked. How can I live like a local?
Q. I want to get back to my heritage, and live like a local. What's the best way to experience an authentic Irish lifestyle?

A. Cut out the MacDonald's and start walking .... there's start!

But seriously, there are Bed & Breakfasts still available (that's assuming you're going outside of the summer season and not taking a chance of going while it's a holiday weekend, then I'd say good luck to you because you will need it) and you can try to get these through the organisation Family Homes of Ireland, they do have a website.

Good luck!

And people do walk here, by the way.

What is the best hotel in San Francisco?
Q. Which hotel has the best combination of location, view, amenities, and price?

A. The Fairmont is considered to be at least one of the best, if not the best. There are two of them. The "regular' one is in Nob Hill, and the "Heritage Place" is located in Ghirardelli Square , which is just on the water, within a walking distance from the Pier, from the Golden Gate, etc.


However, the Fairmont is not exactly the cheapest hotel in SF ;;-)

For a more affordable "very best" hotel (for its price level) try the Steinhart apartment hotel

You can also try the following links for your own dates, to see what fits you price and location wise:



For travelling with a family, see


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