How to find most cheapest hotel rooms?

Q. Can somebody help me to book most economical hotel room? I am planing to travel Edmonton, canada. Please help me to find cheap hotel room. I know some site but I am looking for the best site, where I can get cheap rooms all the time.

A. Hotel prices vary all the time according to the laws of supply and demand. There are methods to get the cheapest hotel rooms. You can summarize them as follows:

1. Try legitimate hotel booking sites such as GTA and Hotelopia. See what they have on offer, but beware of hidden extras. These might include breakfast (!), local taxes and hidden booking fees. hotel . com is notorious for this - I always avoid it.

2. Don't book anything until you check out the hotel's own websites. Some offer the cheapest rates you can get, some don't.

3. Finally telephone the hotel in question (get the number from their website) and ask for their "cheapest commercial rate". If it's competitive, ask whether it includes breakfast and all local taxes.

4. When you arrive, ask for an upgrade, You never know⦠If not, try for another extra such as free parking or free wi-fi. If you don't ask, you don't get.

5. Check out my best hotel booking blogspot!

How do i get cheap hotel rooms in vegas?
Q. Maybe Bellagio, MGM, Palms, NYNY, Wynn??? How do i get cheap hotel rooms?

A. for the cheapest rates, you need to get a casino card and show the casinos that you gamble a LOT. then they'll give you excellent room rates. If you want cheaper rates than normal, then try going mid week and off season. good luck.

What is the cheapest way to get hotel rooms?
Q. I travel alot, and oftentimes I need to get a cheap hotel room. I am a big fan of Priceline name your own price, but I was wondering if there was a better, cheaper way out there. It doesn't even have to be a hotel, but it does have to be a place that I could comfortably take my family (wife and baby).

A. Sites like priceline and hotwire are risky. Expedia is by far the most competitive and you see what you're up against too. There is a deal going on right now at their affiliate site, Hotel Cash Club. It works like a groupon type deal, you pay $25 and then you get a $50 booking credit to use on

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  1. You have provided a worthy post about how to find cheapest hotel rooms. I have got some good ideas about it. Thanks!

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