Where can I find cheap motel in a safe neighborhood in Chicago?

Q. Where can I find cheap motel in a safe neighborhood in Chicago?

Me and my brother are going to visit chicago after christmas

A. You could try the Ohio House Motel on Ohio Street.

Need a cheap motel on the way to Walt Disney World?
Q. We're driving from Missouri to Orlando to Disney World. The halfway point is US-78 E towards Birmingham. Do any of you know any good cheap motels that will sleep 2 adults and 3 children around this area?

A. I definitely would NOT stay anywhere in the Birmingham area! It's a bad place, the cops will even tell you to stay on the highway there until you're past. Maybe try Montgomery, it's about an hour and a half past Birmingham, or any of the areas in-between. If you just type in "hotels in ------- AL" on the Yahoo! search you will come up with loads of results.

Where can i find a cheap motel or hotel in New York City?
Q. I plan to stay in new york city near manhattan or times square side for 1 or 2 days during thanksgiving.

My budget is 60 per night. I am looking for a cheap motel.

Can you help me?

A. In Manhattan, especially around Times Sq during Thanksgiving, there is no such thing as a hotel for your budget. You'll be lucky to find something triple that budget. Maybe in the Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, or New Jersey.

Good luck finding something.

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