What is the definition of a "gay-friendly hotel" ?

Q. So, does it mean some homophobic hotels exist in this world ? If yes, which one ?

A. At least in the UK it is now illegal to discriminate provision of services based on sexuality, so all UK hotels should be gay friendly - though there is a sickening bunch of naff homophobes out there.

Expect to be able to get a shared bed, including romantic weekend options, where offered. If you've had a civil partnership get the newly weds offer too, with champagne etc.

One of my favourite memories is when arriving at a Bournemouth hotel with my ex, having booked a double room, and the rooms weren't ready - so we sat outside taking tea, alongside some genteel folk. Then the duty manager came out, calling loudly 'Do you want a Double or 2 single beds?' - we shouted back 'Double', of course, and a few looks were exchanged amongst the other guests. We had many looks from the guests that weekend, quite quaint how people can be, though there didn't appear to be any ill-will, and the staff were great. Boy, did we enjoy that double bed.

Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob

What are the most expensive restaurants in Bournemouth?
Q. Or the surrounding areas? Do you have to pay service charge when you go for dinner in Bournemouth? Do many people eat in the hotel restaurants? Also does any body know which is the most popular restaurant or is there one that is very busy? Any help would be fab! Thanks

A. McDonald's ?!

Where can we go for a cheap and cheerful long weekend away in February?
Q. I live in Poole, Dorset and my boy and I would like to have a cheap long weekend away at the end of January or early February. We could fly from Bournemouth or Southampton airport ideally.
We would like somewhere where hotel accomodation and food and drink is reasonable as well as the flight costs.

A. Cracow!

Very nice city to visit, absolutely lovely. Similar to Prague. Flights are with easyjet from Bornemouth and approx. 30 quid return per person. Fly out on the 12th, 17th or 19th Jan and return on the 15th or 22nd.


Alternatively you can fly from London to Berlin for roughly the same price, also with easyjet. The advantage here is that flights are daily, you are not so restricted on the flight dates.

Yet another alternative would be to fly from London to Marrakech for 80 quid return per person. Fly out on the 17th or 18th Jan and come back on the 21st. Also easyjet. It is more expensive, but you would be going somewhere slightly warmer...

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