Where can I find really good, unknown deals on Paris hotels and airline tickets online?

Q. Where can I find some really good deals on a trip to paris- hotels and airline tickets, for june of this year. I obviously know about travelocity, priceline, etc, and the comparison features, but are there any really good, insider websites, or is there a good time to book everything (early or late). Any related info would be greatly appreciated.

A. Well to book your hotel the best thing to do, if you're looking for good deals, is to book directly on their Official Site. You can get up to 15 to 20% discount on their website.

If you want, I've created a website that get direct the hotel's price from it's website. You can book directly on it or on the hotel's site (you'll get a link to acces it for every hotels on my site).

I hope you can the good deal you're looking for here : http://www.lookotel.com/france_ile%20de%20france_paris_c782194_Paris+Hotels

How is the paris hotel in vegas?
Q. Hey guys for vacation im going to vegas in california. I am staying at somewhere called the paris hotel. I need to know who it is. So if you guys don't mind please list the goods and bads about the hotel from what you have experienced or heard. Thanks!

A. You know that Vegas is in Nevada, right? Not California?

Anyway, the Paris hotel in Vegas is nice. It's not fancy, but it's one of the relatively newer places on the strip and is a good hotel. It gets overlooked a lot, and is rarely recommended, but there's really no good reason why. The location is good, the rates are good, and the rooms are nice. They rooms aren't particularly special, and the pool area isn't anything special either. The casino is nice, but not large. The buffet there is one of my favorites for dinner, and only $20 a person, which isn't too bad.

How much does it cost go to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel & Casino?
Q. I'm planning another trip to Vegas, and wasn't able to make it to the Paris Hotel the first time.

A. $9 for adults
$7 for seniors and children 6-12
children 5 and under are free

9:30am - 12:30am


Eiffel Tower web site

Web cam for the LV strip

More rides & attractions

If you plan to stay at any of the Harrah's properties - Your room key is good for 2-4-1 Eiffel tower tickets.


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