How much dose it cost from dubai airport to sheraton jumeirah beach hotel by taxi for 2 people ?
A. Hi we visited Wild Wadi Water park next to Jumeirah (June 08) It is quite a long way about 30-45 min drive budget for about 100 durhams even more - Sorry i can't be more specific but our transport was included in the wild wadi package ps. you pay per trip not per person
Is Dubai the best middle eastern country for a western girl to visit?
Q. I've always been fascinated with the Arab world, and have been wanting to visit. A guy I know told me that the best country for a single western girl to visit would be Dubai. I don't know much about the country, but it sounds interesting. What is there to see and do? Is it ok for a girl to go there by herself? How expensive is it?
A. Hey girly,
Yes, Dubai is probably the best place to go out of the entire Arab world. However...first lets clarify that Dubai is a CITY not a COUNTRY. It is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). I had one of the best nights of my life in Dubai!!!!
Okay so Dubai is sortof like a cross between New York City and San Diego. It is a huge, growing, living city (complete with gridlock traffic in rush hour!). It is beautiful- great beaches! There is tons of stuff to do. Just wandering the city being one...the National Mall will take up a day- the man made islands, the tallest building in the world (181 stories) and then of course they have indoor skiing and all kindsof stuff. Or, you can rent a dune buggy and go to the desert. Walk through the gold souks and watch all the rich (or broke wanna be pretend rich) people waste all their money! LOL There is also the entertainment zone which was being built when i was there.
Relatively speaking, it is not very expensive contrary to popular belief (unless of course, you WANT to spend a fortune, in which case Dubai is definitely the place to do it!). When I was there a couple of years ago you got 4 durhams to the dollar. I stayed in a 5 star sheraton (which i highly recommend- rooftop hotub was open all night and they didnt mind bringing me beer after beer while in the hot tub!) for less than $200 a night- and thats with no research or going on expedia- I walked right off the plane and just booked the hotel from airport agent. So Id imagine you can find a pretty good deal. Unless your staying at the Burj (think like 5k a night) you'll be fine. Most things I found to be about the same in the US in terms of price.
You'll be perfectly find as a woman. It is polite to avoid wearing revealing clothing (IE miniskirts and string bikinis- but normal bikinis on the beach are okay). your due diligence and check the country out first and just dont do anything stupid. A British couple got 90 days in jail for having sex in public on the beach for instance. Everyone speaks english there. The bus stops are all air conditioned, and if you are american you dont need a visa you just show up and waltz off the plane.
One thing, and only one thing i would caution you on. I've traveled all around the middle east. Dubai is sortof...well i dont know how to say it. It is an arab gulf country. Not to offend any Dubai citizens me its not the "real" middle east. They have Chilis, Macaronni Grill- lots of american things (most of the gulf countries do though!). Keep in mind, it is just one city in the country. Abu Dhabi is also a great place to go. Also understand that foreign workers outnumber UAE citizens something like 4:1 I think. So ya you will SEE locals...but it might be difficult to actually meet and interact with them. If you want to do that, you can try to go to some shesha bars or something.
If you are new to the middle eastern world you might need to know that you will likely have a "reverse culture shock." There are some miss conceptions out there to a degree, especially regarding the treatment of women. People will generally be exceedingly polite and respectful- sortof the old gentlemenly way of old europe that no one does anymore is a good analogy. Of course, you should always have your wits about you in any place. Arabs are very hospitable and friendly for the most part- their culture places a great deal of respect and emphasis on the idea of hospitality (WAY more than in the USA or anyplace else ive ever been). They are also generally interested in talking to foreigners - though perhaps this isnt true so much in Dubai where the majority of people are indeed foreigners.
Good luck! hit me up if you want some pics or something. wealthistime AT yahoo
Yes, Dubai is probably the best place to go out of the entire Arab world. However...first lets clarify that Dubai is a CITY not a COUNTRY. It is located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). I had one of the best nights of my life in Dubai!!!!
Okay so Dubai is sortof like a cross between New York City and San Diego. It is a huge, growing, living city (complete with gridlock traffic in rush hour!). It is beautiful- great beaches! There is tons of stuff to do. Just wandering the city being one...the National Mall will take up a day- the man made islands, the tallest building in the world (181 stories) and then of course they have indoor skiing and all kindsof stuff. Or, you can rent a dune buggy and go to the desert. Walk through the gold souks and watch all the rich (or broke wanna be pretend rich) people waste all their money! LOL There is also the entertainment zone which was being built when i was there.
Relatively speaking, it is not very expensive contrary to popular belief (unless of course, you WANT to spend a fortune, in which case Dubai is definitely the place to do it!). When I was there a couple of years ago you got 4 durhams to the dollar. I stayed in a 5 star sheraton (which i highly recommend- rooftop hotub was open all night and they didnt mind bringing me beer after beer while in the hot tub!) for less than $200 a night- and thats with no research or going on expedia- I walked right off the plane and just booked the hotel from airport agent. So Id imagine you can find a pretty good deal. Unless your staying at the Burj (think like 5k a night) you'll be fine. Most things I found to be about the same in the US in terms of price.
You'll be perfectly find as a woman. It is polite to avoid wearing revealing clothing (IE miniskirts and string bikinis- but normal bikinis on the beach are okay). your due diligence and check the country out first and just dont do anything stupid. A British couple got 90 days in jail for having sex in public on the beach for instance. Everyone speaks english there. The bus stops are all air conditioned, and if you are american you dont need a visa you just show up and waltz off the plane.
One thing, and only one thing i would caution you on. I've traveled all around the middle east. Dubai is sortof...well i dont know how to say it. It is an arab gulf country. Not to offend any Dubai citizens me its not the "real" middle east. They have Chilis, Macaronni Grill- lots of american things (most of the gulf countries do though!). Keep in mind, it is just one city in the country. Abu Dhabi is also a great place to go. Also understand that foreign workers outnumber UAE citizens something like 4:1 I think. So ya you will SEE locals...but it might be difficult to actually meet and interact with them. If you want to do that, you can try to go to some shesha bars or something.
If you are new to the middle eastern world you might need to know that you will likely have a "reverse culture shock." There are some miss conceptions out there to a degree, especially regarding the treatment of women. People will generally be exceedingly polite and respectful- sortof the old gentlemenly way of old europe that no one does anymore is a good analogy. Of course, you should always have your wits about you in any place. Arabs are very hospitable and friendly for the most part- their culture places a great deal of respect and emphasis on the idea of hospitality (WAY more than in the USA or anyplace else ive ever been). They are also generally interested in talking to foreigners - though perhaps this isnt true so much in Dubai where the majority of people are indeed foreigners.
Good luck! hit me up if you want some pics or something. wealthistime AT yahoo
Is there any inexpensive motels/hotels that have a kitchenette and charge weekly rates in Oklahoma City?
Q. My family and I are preparing to move to OKC from Durham, NC to get closer to family in OK, need a place to stay while house hunting.
A. Suburban Lodge, Candlewood Suites, Microtel Suites, are a few more chains, possibly cheaper than Extended Stay America.
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