How can I plan a trip to Ireland with a limited budgit?

Q. Two of my friends and i would like to go to ireland for a week for our senior trip. Im just looking for any tips on cheap ways to fly or what the chepest hotels would be in places near Waterford.

A. Ireland on a limited budget could be tough because it really is quite an expensive country.Dublin,in articualr is at leasat 20-30% dearer than the provincials towns.Most of the cities fall somewhere in between in terms of cost.However,there is an easy way to save money on your flight.Book with Ryanair,the so-called low-cost airline and do so well in advance of your flight to Ireland.This airline operates a ''no-frills policy" so it'll be cheap without being luxurious.
As Ireland goes,in the summer i'd recommend somewhere coastal and scenic,though.City-wise i'd probably pick Galway or Cork over Waterford,though it's not the worst lace.Kilkenny's pretty good too.As with most cities,hostels are your best bet for value.Most of the Irish ones are quite safe as long as you take obvious precautions.The same could be said of Ireland in general,though you might want to watch your step in Dublin and Limerick by night.
Ireland's worth a visit alright.Summer is probsbly the best time but you should find good nightlife in some places during the rest of the year.
Cead Mile Failte

How expensive is it REALLY to live in Galway, Ireland?
Q. As a prospective traveler and possible american immigrate to Ireland I am wondering how expensive it REALLY is to live in a place like Galway. I intend on applying for a hotel manager position in local hotels in Galway, but before I do I want to know what I'm really getting myself into and whether I can honestly make a comfortable living in Galway. If you could possibly give me a round about answer on how expensive the typical apartment is in Galway that would be great. What is it like in Galway? Are the people relatively friendly and accepting of all types of people? What's the climate like? How different is irish culture from american culture?

A. Galway is not that expensive. The accomodation is cheap to rent. To buy in the city is a little more expensive than the county. Traffic congestion is heavy depending on certain factors. However Galway is relativly easy to walk around.

Galway apartments can range from 400+ euros per month.
Check out the accomodation pages at
Be warned if you want accomodation in the summer months you have to be quick as students in galway put a demand on the accomodation during the summer months.

Galway is a friendly city, crime is there but still safe. I think we have had 1 murder this year and that was front page news. The night life is great and the people are tolerant. The large student population means that there is always a lot to do and a large population of different cultures. Climate is a typical north atlantic climate that is similar to seattle. It can rain alot but on the plus side it is never to warm and never too cold.

Irish culture is different to american culture, but you will find that there are no complexities to irish culture that wont be hard to understand. One difference is the hiberno english, sayings and phrases might be a little confusing at first but you will understand it quickly.

Heres an example. "Thats as usefull as tits on a bull". A great saying when you want to imply that something is of no use whatsoever

Where is a good place to stay in Galway?
Q. Ideally near the hospital. Have an appointment and don't feel up to making a return journey from Donegal so plan to stay in a guesthouse, B&B or cheap hotel the night before.

Any recommendations? Somewhere quiet, not above a nightclub.

A. Here are a list of a few that are in Newcastle, Galway which is the area where the hospital is..Ring a few & hopefully you find one that suits...None of them would be near a nightclub as it is outside the city centre..Good luck with your treatment & get well soon .. :) one is near the hospital also

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