What is a quality web site design company in Rhode Island?

Q. I need to create a website for my hotel and restaurant, but I don''t want to use a big agency. I'm located in Newport, Rhode Island, and am looking for a local company to help me create a site. They would probably also need to help me with internet marketing -- stuff I know nothing about.

A. I'm a retailer in Providence and I've worked with a small company called Pirata Media in Bristol, RI. They gave me a lot of time and attention, and didn't use any smoke and mirrors, like some big web companies do.

They know what they're talking about too! They helped me with some video production I needed, as well as some pay-per-click marketing and search engine optimization (which I'll admit I knew nothing about either).

Overall, a great company with professional, high quality work for an extremely reasonable price. Also friendly, and easy to work with. I highly recommend them.

This is their site: http://www.piratamedia.com

Good luck!

Does anyone know of a place to stay outside of Bristol Tn for next weeks race?
Q. I know there are no rooms left in Bristol, but we have tix and was wondering where the next closest town would be that would be easiest to get to track on race day...

A. When I went in 2004 we stayed at the Roadway Inn in Pigeon Forge Tn. Its about if I remember right about 110 miles west of Bristol and it was a good Hotel, it was 4 miles north of Gaitlinburg Tn.

Why are so many hotels called Hotel Bristol?
Q. Is there some historic reason for this? You dont find Hotel Liverpools or HotelSheffields all over the world.

A. There are more than 200 hotels in the world called Bristol. They are named after Lord Hervey, 4th Earl of Bristol, a roguish 18th-century aristocrat and cleric (he was Bishop of Derry), who spent much of his life on the Continent where he demanded the best hospitality money could buy. The story of these hotels is told in the book 'High Times at the Hotel Bristol' and the background to their naming can be seen at:

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