Do Taxi drivers understand English in bangkok?

Q. I heard that any driver in bangkok with good english speaking skills is probably a scam.

I will also need to insist on using a metered taxi.

i learned all of these things from world travellers online, they have been there

do you agree with this???

A. Most of the drivers will understand where you need to go. You can also ask your hotel desk clerk to write in Thai any specific place you need a driver to take you. Thais can read their own language. Some places you can get to by taking the Skytrain unless you have a hotel not on the Skytrain route.

Funny you asking about taxi drivers understanding English - in the US - in Boston and New York City - many of the taxi drivers are from Pakistan!

Taxi meter starts at 35 baht. If a driver does not want to use the meter don't get into the taxi! Have small bills and even coins to pay taxi drivers because they usually can not change larger currency like 500 baht notes.

When I have bags with me and traveling alone in Thailand (Manila, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) and using a taxi I do not use the trunk. I put the bags in the back seat with me. When I get out I drag the bags with me and then pay the taxi driver!

Good luck.

What are your TOP 5 TRAVEL DESTINATIONS in "ASIA" to visit, and why?
Q. What are your TOP 5 TRAVEL DESTINATIONS in "ASIA" to visit, and why?

Where are the top 5 places you would like to go and see in ASIA, and why? Have you been there before? Whats the best thing about them?

A. (in no particular order):
1) Vietnam- it is naturally beautiful and there is just tons to do: going to the beautiful beaches, siteseeing the tourist destinations, bargaining for shopping, shopping at plazas, drinking beer for cheap, cheap food, nice people, etc... very cheap there.. you can find food that is really expensive and food that is really cheap... for example, cheap pho is 15,000 dong which is less than $1. there is expensive pho (at PHO 24) that is 26,000 dong (which is $1.70 or so...)..

2) S. Korea- this place is really nice; it is very developed and business like but also there are tons of shopping and tourist sites. if you have time, you should go to jeju island.. there is beautiful scenery and tons of korean dramas are filmed there. A little expensive.. especially food.

3) Singapore- this place is super clean, but much to do. you can just go around the city and tons to do.

4) Japan- I have never been there, but is is like the New York City in Asia. So much to do. So many people. expensive here... i saw on the travel channel that a capsule hotel is $50... but it has so much to offer.

5) China- it is such a big country, but it is nice there.. i heard. I haven't been there.

what are other routes to get to macua besides hong kong?
Q. I found that traveling to hong hong is expensive so i need to check out other routes

A. Are you going to HK or Macau, or both? If your goal is to get to HK on the cheap, I would like to suggest a couple of ways.

One is to find a good travel agent, either online or in person, and see if you can find some air fare specials. If your dates are flexible, look at the web site and search for your route using the flexible dates option. It's possible that you could find a bargain to fly directly into Hong Kong. You can also achieve a similar effect by calling a travel agent with strong Hong Kong connections and asking them. For instance, I have friends who use travel agents in Chinatown in New York or San Francisco. Unfortunately, I had no access to those cities and so I was stuck with the online options.

Another thing you can do is look directly at the sites for the airlines that fly into and out of Hong Kong, which you will see when you look at the zuji site.

Another idea is to pick up a copy of a Hong Kong newspaper and look at the specials advertised in there, you might find a good deal. Some good ones to look at are South China Morning Post, International Herald Tribune ( ). Unfortunately for you and me, they are not free and so your best bet if you are not in HK already is to find one in a large city library or newstand.

Yet another idea is to look at the web site for the Hong Kong Board of Tourism. Sometimes they find good tourist specials and post them on their site as a means of promoting tourism ( .

But okay, back to your original question. How to fly in and out of Macau? This is actually a great idea to consider. There are some notable discount airlines that fly in and out of Macau. For example, Bangkok is a major S.E. Asia hub. If you can catch a cheap flight to Bangkok (especially likely if you are coming through Europe), you can fly on AirAsia straight into Macau. Wow, Airasia is a really great bargain ( . Tiger Airways also flies in and out of Macau, as does Singapore Air (I think). You may be able to find a real bargain on one of these airlines. Here is a list of the airlines that fly in and out of Macau: so you can go to each airline's web page and see what they offer.

Bear in mind, however, that if you fly into Macau with the HK destination in mind, you will still be an hour's ferry ride from HK at a time when you'll be jet lagged and exhausted. It also will cost you roughly 150 Hong Kong Dollars each way to get from Macau to HK, so you have to add in the cost and the inconvenience. However, hotels in Macau are a good bit cheaper than those in HK, so it could be a good place just to crash, break in easily, and sleep some jet lag. (And the airport express MTR in HK is just as expensive as the ferry ride from Macau.)

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