Why does the hotel I work for sell more gay porn during "Christian Conventions" than during gay pride?

Q. I am the General Manager for a hotel in Orlando, Florida. The hotel I manage has 1,500 rooms. On a normal day, our TV's probably sell 30 - 40 gay porn titles per night. On gay pride, that number goes up a tad, to something like 60 - 70 per night. But when the Christian Conventions are in town, that number triples, sometimes even 6x the number goes up. Why do think that is?

A. I myself tried to deny, repress and stuff down my affections for guys for, oh, 27 years.

During that long, lonely time, if I had been at a Christian convention in a hotel in a large city, I might have found myself sorely tempted to view some gay porn.

I don't find what you say unusual in the least.

Just because a gay guy is Christian, and mistakenly hounded by a sense of guilt for being gay, doesn't mean he is not human.

After going into clinical depression, I was forced to come to terms with my sexuality and admit to myself that guys give me energy, life and joy.

Now I am proud to be a gay Christian, and my church body is gay-friendly too.

But meanwhile, so many, many men are absolutely tormented by their yearning to be with another guy. Even though they honestly think it is a sin, they can never get away from the truth of their feelings and longings.

Those guys who buy the gay porn would be so much happier if they just found a great boyfriend to spend the night with during that convention. I hope that, in time, more and more churches will realize that there is nothing wrong with that.

how to get near orlando studios from the international airport for FREE? 10 pts?
Q. I'm going to orlando and my hotel does not offer shuttle from the airport. My hotel is just a couple minutes from universal studios. What is the closest free shuttle, I will ride a different hotel's free shuttle if I have to.
Yeah I don't really want to walk nine miles with baggage, thanks though.
NO the airport is nine miles away. My hotel is right by universal studios, that is a couple minute walk. I want to walk from Universal to my hotel, a five minute walk. I don't want to walk nine miles from the airport.

A. If you can't afford to get from the airport to the hotel, your in for a very disappointing trip

Why does the hotel I work for sell more gay porn during "Christian Conventions" than during gay pride?
Q. I am the General Manager for a hotel in Orlando, Florida. The hotel I manage has 1,500 rooms. On a normal day, our TV's probably sell 30 - 40 gay porn titles per night. On gay pride, that number goes up a tad, to something like 60 - 70 per night. But when the Christian Conventions are in town, that number triples, sometimes even 6x the number goes up. Why do think that is?

A. Post this in R&S then sit back and have a laugh at all the angry christians

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