What are the typical accommodations one can find in cheap hotels in atlantic city?

Q. By cheap hotels in atlantic city i mean places that are up to $20/ night. Thanks.

A. Alantic city is a crack head infested money trap. Keep your expectations low and your credit cards hidden and you will have a good time. The further you get from the board walk the more ghetto it gets. Motels there will be 25 to 30 a night. But try the casinos first you can find good deals a lot of the time. 30 to 50 and a world of diffrence.

What are the average rates of cheap hotels in atlantic city?
Q. Whats the lowest price for a night at cheap hotels in atlantic city, if only an estimate. Gotta go there soon. Thanks.

A. Gee Geoff, Atlantic City is 3000 miles from Las Vegas. Why are you posting this question in the Las Vegas section.

Cheap hotels in atlantic city near the casinos?
Q. I really dont know nothing about the city, Im going there in a couple of months. This is my second question about it. I need to know the location of cheap hotels in atlantic city, specifically the ones near the casinos. Thanks.

A. Here's a hint. If you want to know about Atlantic City DON'T post your question in the Las Vegas section. We neither know nor care.

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