How do you get to The Trump International Hotel in NEw York City from Penn Station, NYC?

Q. How can you get to the trump international hotel in new york city from penn station in new york city?

A. north on 8th Ave to 60th.
east 2 blocks

What are some nice hotels in New York City?
Q. My friends and I want to take a trip to NYC and would like to know what are some of the best/safe hotels in New York City and outside of NYC. It can be a hotel in New York itself?

A. Well, depending on your budget, may I recommend the link below.

Good luck
Native New Yorker

What is the cheapest hotel in New York city? It doesnt need to be nice.?
Q. I'm looking for the cheapest possible hotel in new york city, anywhere in the city honestly, as long as im not going to get shot. Id be staying July 17th through july 23rd.

A. The Gershwin Hotel
Near Empire State Building / New York
Average Nightly Rate $49.00
Use the second search box , or you can try the first as well.

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