How far is it from LA to Legoland Carlsbad?

Q. I will be staying in a hotel in LA and need to know how far of a drive it would be to Legoland and if it's worth going. Two adults (22, 23 years old) will be going with no kids.

A. Legoland is about 1 hour and a half from LA. personally, legoland is more for smaller kids and while there are some rides for older kids, its mostly kid rides and made for kids so if your in your 20's your better off going to disneyland (which is an hour drive) or magic mountain (probably 45 minutes in the opposite direction) but its up to you. thats just my opinion.

Spanish! Help!- How do you write was in spanish without repeating este all the time?
Q. For example when I write was in a spanish sentence do I have to keep repeating este in the sentence I do not think this is right!
Example 1- Mi estudia en el hotel este muy mal.
Example 2- Cuando llege en el hotel la recepcioniste este grosero.
I feel it is wrong because I keep writing este in my paper

A. I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of "este",
For those examples, you would be using the past imperfect tense.
Ex.1) Mi estudia en el hotel era muy mal.
Ex.2) Cuando llegue en el hotel, la recepcionista estaba grosero.

what are my rights if there is theft in my hotel room?
Q. I recently stayed in a hotel in LA where two necklaces were stolen. I filed a report and just heard from the head of security today that they didn't find anything. What can be done now?

A. Did you call the police? Or just the hotel security. Without an actual police report, you don't have a case. Sorry but you are SOL. Even if you report it to the police now, it's too late. You should have done it immediately when it happened. The cops will not waste their time looking for your jewelry after the fact.

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