where to book hotel in Srinagar ? and is bus service available from Jammu to Amritsar ?

Q. which is best place in Srinagar to book hotel for a family of 4 for 3 days.

also are there buses from Jammu to Amritsar at night time or at early morning around 5 - 6?
how much time it takes to reach Amritsar from Jammu ?

A. Look up " make my trip" or "yatra". You will find all information here.

Should I book hotel in Penang online and book when arrived at the airport?
Q. I was planning to go to Penang in May and i was about to book hotel from now. can you recommend that I should book online or wait till arrived the airport (I am not sure I can book at the airport like in Langkawi). If so, can anyone recommend some hotel which near by the popular place (I mean where many foreigner stay)

you will get 10 points for your answers.


A. Suggest you book only for the ist night online.
Following morning go hotel hunting for one you like. There are many beautiful hotel rooms available around US$50.00-75.00. Stay around Penang Road/McAlistor Road area for easy access to food and shopping.

What's the best area to book hotel with?
Q. I am taking 2 teenagers to visit DC in late June. What's the best area to book hotel with? We are planning to visit the Mall and museums. Is it better to stay downtown or outskirt and commute in via public transportation?
We plan to stay in the area for 3 full days.
We are going to drive to the area.

A. First, the areas to AVOID... anything on New York Avenue NE, anything in the "Gateway" neighborhood, and anything in/near Kenilworth Avenue. This is kind of a rough neighborhood and there is no public transportation. You'll be very sad!

I'd personally recommend the Days Inn, in the 4400 block of Connecticut Avenue NW. This is my favorite "lesser known" budget hotel--- it's still kind of pricey, as is everything in DC, but currently rooms are going for $129/night which is not bad. The neighborhood is excellent, very very safe, a bit on the quiet side but plenty of restaurants and you have the Metro rail station about 2 blocks away. And they have free parking. You will enjoy your stay there.

If you can't get a room there, try any of the hotels in Arlington, VA; make sure you check to see how far from the subway you will be, or if the hotel has a free shuttle to the train station (bus transit can be tiring with kids). Arlington is quite large! But it's a very safe area and close enough in that you won't spend your whole trip on the train! Watch your budget, too, espeically if you decide to look in Alexandria, VA as some of the hotels (especially in Crystal City) can be more expensive than those right in the city!

For a little closer in, try any of the hotels in the 1300-1700 block of New Hampshire Avenue NW (Particularly the Governor's House) as this is also a very safe neighborhood and you can walk to some of the attractions.

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