What is a good website for booking cheap, but RELIABLE airline service?

Q. I finally have some spare money to spend, and I'm looking to make it go a long ways. What are some good websites that have cheap airfares? I only ask because upon reading some reviews, I've heard some bad things about certain websites. Is anyone willing to share their experiences? Also, would it be cheaper to book hotels and airfares separately? Or at a site that can book them together? I'm new to this, any insight would be appreciated!

A. I would highly recommend both hotwire and priceline, flycheapabroad, and bookairlinetickets.com. I've searched around for airfare quite a bit, and these three sites usually ring true as the cheapest. Other than that, I'd go to sites like igougo.com, travelzoo.com, kayak.com, and bookingbuddy.com. These sites offer searches of multiple online airfare websites, making it easier and less time consuming to compare prices. As for when to buy, I usually go to farecast.com. They pretty accurately predict when a good time to buy a flight would be based off of past and current trends, etc. It's pretty useful. Another site I've found handy is rightflight.org. They did a bunch of research on the various airfare sites to see which sites are usually the cheapest. They also have a list of most of the international airfare sites on their webpage (60+), which can be pretty handy in and of itself. Hope this helped!

When is the best time to book a hotel stay?
Q. I am planning a trip in May of 08. When will be the best time to book my hotel at a cheaper rate? Closer to my stay date or closer to right now?

going to Seattle

A. Are you heading to a tourist attraction or somewhere where it's warmer? If you are the sooner you book the more likely you are to get a good deal.

What is a really good CHEAP hotel to book in Pattaya, Thailand, and where can I book that Hotel?
Q. I'm going to Pattaya, Thailand in january. I'm looking for a four star hotel that is really cheap. I noticed significant price different between different booking website? Do you know a website that books hotels in Thailand for cheap?

A. Real 4 star hotels don't come cheap. You want to stay at a cheaper place lower your standards and get a 3 star hotel or maybe even better a guest house. You get what you pay for here. If you get a cheap 4 star hotel here you be better off getting a 3 star hotel at the same price.

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