What is the minimum age to check into a hotel in Orlando, Florida?

Q. My friends and I going to Orlando for Spring Break. We're all 20 but no one's 21 yet. I've looked into several places to stay but they all say you have to be 21 to check in. Are there any hotels in Orlando that you don't have to be 21 or will let a 20 year old check in? I live in Ga so I'll be several hundreds of miles away from home, would that matter at all?

A. You are totally fine. Most hotels will require you to be 18 and only few will ask you to be 21. Moreover, only one person in room should be a legal age, others can be still underage. Have fun.

What is the closest Hotel to Orlando International Airport MCO?
Q. We are going on a cruise November 25 2007 But we are going to leave a day early because airfare is lower.
What is the closest hotel to Orlando International Airport
We need to return to airport the next day to get shuttle to ship.
Would like a Hotel with shuttle but not that important. Something with a good price. Is the area safe?

A. Yes there are a few hotels close to the airport there. There is actually a Hyatt located in the airport. Here is a link showing the location of several hotels close to the airport along with their contact information.

Have fun on your cruise.

About the smell in the swan and dolphin hotel orlando florida?
Q. hey ive been to the swan and dolphin hotel in orlando florida.And i was wondering what was that smell inside the lobby.It smelled really good.

please tell me whats it called and if i could get it into my own home.

A. I don't know what they use, but I used to work at a hotel where they would spray their own signature scent, so I know that hotels do that. Some people loved it, some people hated it. Our scent wasn't available for purchase, but it's worth contacting the hotel to see if they sell it. Many hotels have brochures in their rooms where you can order their sheets & pillows, etc, perhaps this hotel also offers their air freshener?

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