When making hotel reservations is your credit card charged when you make the reservation or at check in?

Q. I'm going to a casino and made hotel reservations. Will my credit card be charged when I check in or was it charged after I made the reservation?

A. I have only been charged at check out time.When you call in for reservation it's to hold your room so your sure you have one when you get there. If you decide your not going be sure to call 24 hrs. in advance or they can charge you day.You should ask all those questions before you give out your credit card #.

I am driving cross country this summer, should I make hotel reservations in advance for my nightly stopovers?
Q. On a road trip, I usualy drive 600 miles a day. Before I leave, should I figure out what city I will be in at 600 miles and make hotel reservations for that night?

Last year I drove to florida and stayed at a Best Western and a Holiday Inn Express coming back. Both places cost $90 a night. Would I have saved money if I made hotel reservations in advance?

A. Booking in advance will save you money, there is no doubt about that. However, in years of traveling the US, we've made VERY few advance reservations. Here's why:

When you reserve in advance, you "lock" yourself into a particular route and a particular schedule. If you get stuck in traffic one day, you then have to rush to make your reservation.

If you decide that something along the way looks like an interesting stop, you may decide against checking it out because you have to rush to make your reservation.

If you break down or run into bad weather, you might feel that you have to keep pushing anyway (against your better judgment) because you have to make your reservation.

If you're having a really good driving day and you go farther than you expected, you'll limit yourself because of your reservation.

If you have a major destination that you'll be exploring for a few days, make a reservation there in advance, but leave the "in between" open. Leave yourself some schedule time to play with. For example, if I'm going New York to San Francisco, I'd probably make my SF reservation a few weeks or months in advance. However, I won't make reservations for the drive to get there; that'll be determined by numerous factors on any particular day. There are more than enough places to stop along the way.

Furthermore, I want to make sure that I haven't reserved a dump! At least once or twice, we've made the mistake of calling ahead to reserve, then pulling up to a place to find that the front desk was enclosed in bulletproof glass with bars (sometimes with a couple of dents in it), that we were in the worst part of town, and that we wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. This has actually happened with some of the name chains.

So, what I suggest is a AAA membership ( http://www.aaa.com ), and pick up their TourBooks to evaluate potential stopping places each day. Get a feel for which areas might be decent to stop in. When you see a few good listings in a town, and the time is right to stop for the day, pull into town and look around. Pick your spot, and stay for the night.

In a few very rare situations, it might be difficult to get a room within a large area. For example, good luck finding a room within 200 miles of Sturgis, S.Dak. during "Bike Week," or in eastern Tennessee when it's UT homecoming late in the summer. Check to see what special events you might run into.

But in short, I'd say don't reserve in advance. Too many variables on a long trip. If it was a two-day drive, go ahead and reserve the overnight at the halfway point. But with longer drives, including cross-country drives, there's just so much that can change quickly.

How to make reliable hotel reservation in NYC with affordable rates?
Q. Will travel to NYC. Too many hotel reservation agencies online. Do know how to make reliable hotel reservation with affordable rates?
Do you know how to make reliable hotel reservation with affordable rates when traveling to the NYC?
Or, do you know good rating hotels with affordable rates in the NYC?

A. Contact Broadway Inn on line and make a reservation. It's a B&B

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