want to go to barcelona from malaga spain for sighseeing. any moderate price hotl?

Q. any suggestions for moderate price hotel and how many days needed for sight seeing and what is the best way to do sightseeing

A. I've just been to barcelona. I guess the right timeframe is 3 days. Get a ticket for one of those tour (double decker) busses to get a feeling for the city and a first look at it and then use the same bus or the Metro (get a 10trip ticket, works out cheaper) and explore. Much to see from good old Gaudi in Barca. The Olympic Area. Etc.
Have fun. For hotels, check the websites www.hostelz.com or
They have info and booking service for hostels and hotels etc. I use it all the time, hostelz.com is better, because they have links to the websites of the places, so you get even more info

cheap hotel in jalan dago bandung?
Q. any??? i want one start hotels =D
then why u wasting ur time answering!! duuuh!

A. Around Bandung nothing 1star hotel, minimum 2 star hotl. I suggest your better go to around Cihampelas or Setia Budi or Sukajadi, There's a lot of. More detail please check my webs at bellow!!!!


Habbo Hotel USA.. any other....?
Q. yeah i play on it and I use this one website that lets you buy credits for cheap. The link is http://www.wwcp.co.nr and it lets you buy with credit card 1$ for 100 coins up to 4$ for 400 coins. But I was wondering are there any others? and dont say the website i gave is a scam cuz i use it and it works for me but idc if u dont use it jeez.

A. i lovee haboo hotl did u ever jump off the diving board?

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